TNguy said...

The motherboard is the large square or rectangular plate circuit on your computer, everything goes wrong Sometimes there a. .. Send a bundle of them in a field technician, you should be able to take care of you.

Proud Papa said...

The motherboard is really a statement. When you plug it to all controls everything from the CPU to memory to disk. Dell is known for bad disks. I propose to extend the warranty was on my Dell motherboard Out3, sometimes a year and a half

Proud Papa said...

The motherboard is really a statement. When you plug it to all controls everything from the CPU to memory to disk. Dell is known for bad disks. I propose to extend the warranty was on my Dell motherboard Out3, sometimes a year and a half

nyankomo... said...

Motherboard is the machine with corks and come back when you put the CD and controls. It's called the plate, because he controls the team. : D

Satyr Prince said...

The motherboard is the entire team. Bring the entire memory set to the video card.

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